This driver access current weather data for any location including over 200,000 cities.
It gets information from OpenWeather’s API and leaves it available for use by the BeoLiving Intelligence.
The supported resource types are:
- _CURRENT_WEATHER: current weather data.
- _WEATHER_FORECAST_3HRS: forecast for the next 3 hours.
- _WEATHER_FORECAST_24HRS: forecast for the next 24 hours.
Resource address format
The resource address consists of a string that represents the coordinates of the location from which you want to get information about the weather.
The format is: latitude:longitude
(e.g. -34.896579:-56.071827)
Resource State
- _Temperature: temperature at the moment (Celsius).
- _Min_Temperature: Minimum temperature at the moment (Celsius).
- _Max_Temperature: Maximum temperature at the moment (Celsius).
- _Humidity: Percentage of humidity.
- _Pressure: Atmospheric pressure (hPa).
- _WindSpeed: Wind speed (m/s).
- _WindDirection: Wind direction, degrees (meteorological).
- _Cloudiness: Percentage of cloudiness.
- _Rain: True if it is rainning, false otherwise.
- _RainLevel3Hrs: Rain volume for the next 3 hours (milimeters).
- _Snow: True if it is snowing, false otherwise.
- _SnowLevel3Hrs: Snow volume for the next 3 hours (milimeters).
- _Temperature: temperature at the moment of calculation (Celsius).
- _Min_Temperature: Minimum temperature at the moment of calculation (Celsius).
- _Max_Temperature: Maximum temperature at the moment of calculation (Celsius).
- _Humidity: Percentage of humidity.
- _Pressure: Atmospheric pressure (hPa).
- _WindSpeed: Wind speed (m/s).
- _WindDirection: Wind direction, degrees (meteorological).
- _Cloudiness: Percentage of cloudiness.
- _Rain: True if it will rain, false otherwise.
- _RainLevel3Hrs: Rain volume for the next 3 hours (milimeters).
- _Snow: True if it will snow, false otherwise.
- _SnowLevel3Hrs: Snow volume for the next 3 hours (milimeters).
- _Min_Temperature: Min daily temperature (Celsius).
- _Max_Temperature: Max daily temperature (Celsius).
- _Humidity: Percentage of humidity.
- _Pressure: Atmospheric pressure (hPa).
- _WindSpeed: Wind speed (m/s).
- _WindDirection: Wind direction, degrees (meteorological).
- _Cloudiness: Percentage of cloudiness.
- _Rain: True if it will rain, false otherwise.
- _RainLevel3Hrs: Rain volume (milimeters).
- _Snow: True if it will snow, false otherwise.
- _SnowLevel3Hrs: Snow volume (milimeters).