TP-Link Smart Plug

TP-Link Smart Plug

This driver supports communication with TP-Link Smart Plug’s HS100/110, allowing to control different the relay state of the switch. Integration with models HS105 is not ensured.

Connecting to the system

No login process required. Channel settings are:

  • Host : IP of TP-Link Smart Plug.
  • Port : Must be equal to 9999.

    Available resources

The available resource type is:

  • HS100/110 SmartPlug: Representation of TP-Link Smart Plug.

    Resource Address

Should be left empty.

Commands, Events and States

  • Commands:
    • SET: Set Plug state (0/false means Off and 1/true means On).
    • TOGGLE: Toggle Plug state.
  • States:
    • STATE: Plug state (0/false means Off and 1/true means On).