Dynalite driver | Dynet-1
Dynalite is a lighting and automation control system that offers power dimmer controllers, signal dimmer controllers, and more.
Connecting to the system
Connection to Dynalite systems can be done via the RS232 interfaces, either using the BeoLiving Intelligence’s USB/RS232 port or via an Ethernet to RS232 interface.
Native Dynalite Ethernet interfaces are not supported in the current software. However, you may be able to set up a Dynet-1 connection port on some gateways. If you test this and it works, please write to us at support+drivers-dynalite@khimo.com with the instructions on how you configured the third-party interface to accept Dynet-1 and the version of the gateway that you used.
Connection settings are:
- Connection type: Direct RS232 or over ethernet.
- RS232 over ethernet
- Host: Hostname or IP address of the Controller ethernet interface.
- Port: Port number on which the controller listens for connections.
- RS232
- USB serial adapter: Select one of the available.
- Baud rate
- **Fc mode
Available resources
The available resource are:
- Dynalite Dimmer (DIMMER): A dimmer is identified by the area and the channel number, both expressed as decimal numbers and separated by comma.
- Dynalite Preset (BUTTON): A preset is identified by an area number plus a preset number separated by a comma.
- Dynalite Shade Preset 1, 2 & 3 (SHADE): A “shade preset 1,2 and 3” is identified by an area number, it is a special resource that is represented as SHADE in the BeoLiving Intelligence and will send a preset selection to an area, as follows:
- When RAISE command is sent it will set preset 1
- When STOP command is sent it will set preset 2
- When LOWER command is sent it will set preset 3
In this way you can control a shade using area presets.
Resource Address
- Dynalite Dimmer (DIMMER): Area and logical channel separated by comma (E.g: ‘01,23’).
- Dynalite Preset (BUTTON): Area, preset number values separated with comma (E.g: area 1 preset 19 address: ‘01,19’).
- Dynalite Shade Preset 1, 2 & 3 (SHADE): Area as decimal number (e.g.: area 1).
Resource Events
A preset selection can be detected by BeoLiving Intelligence as an event.
To set up a Dynalite control to only affect the BeoLiving Intelligence, this control must be assigned an area number that is not in use by any dimmer or actuator.
Resource Commands
- Preset commands:
- Dimmer commands:
- SET: Set the dimmer level between 0 and 100
- *_FADE**: Fade the dimmer to a level between 0 and 100
- Shade commands:
Resource States
- LEVEL: Level position of the DIMMER device.
- _TARGET: Target level position of the DIMMER device.
- STATE: State of the PRESET device.
v2.0 | 23/12/2020
- New version of Dynalite driver
Please, report any issue with this driver to: support+drivers@khimo.com