SmartHouse SH2

Connection to a SmartHouse SH2 system

Connection to a SmartHouse SH2 system is done via a Modbus interface. The following configuration is needed:

  • Host: The IP address or host name of the device.
  • Port: The port number where the device is waiting for connections (default: 23).

Remark: when loading different configurations it may be necessary to reboot the Smart-House system to reestablish connection with it.


The supported resource types are:

  • Button: buttons and digital inputs.
  • Dimmer: a light dimmer.
  • Shade: a single shade.

Resource address format

Resource addresses use relative Modbus address.

SmartHouse configuration tool, (SH Tool) can save the Modbus configuration map into a CSV file (this is found in the Program setup menu). The relevant entries in the CSV file are the lines containing the keywords function status or movement position.

The following is an example line in the generated Modbus map CSV file:

,(Fx) Root - Light function_Function status,HREG,400711,unsignedShort,

The 6 digit number 400711 is the absolute Modbus address. The relative Modbus address is absolute address without the 3-digit prefix. In this case, it is 711.

All address formats are suggested as tooltips on the address field.

Resource type Address format Examples
Button Function status 1
Dimmer Function status 1
Shade Function status, Movement position 1,1

Commands and events

  • Button
    • PRESS: Toggles button state.
    • ON: Sets resource state to one or captures event on given state.
    • OFF: Sets resource state to zero or captures event on given state.
  • Dimmer
    • SET: Sets dimmer level (in percentage) or captures event on set level.
  • Shade
    • RAISE: Moves shade to upper position.
    • LOWER: Moves shade to lower position.
    • STOP: Stops shade on current position.
    • SET: Sets shade level (in percentage) or captures event on set level.