Rako Bridge


This driver integrates Rako Bridge with the BLI/BLGW, allowing to set dimmer levels and fire scenes on the Rako modules.

Conecting to the syste

The connection to the Rako Bridge is established through a REST connection, and only the Rako Bridge Host or its ip address must be specified.


  • Dimmer: Allows to:
    • Set dimmer levels.
    • Fade dimmers
    • Address format: <room number>:<channel number>.
  • Scene: Allows to:
    • Fire scenes previously configured at the Rako button panel
    • Address format: <room number>:<channel numer>:<scene number>.
      • The <scene number> must be between 1 and 4.
  • In both cases:
    • The <room number> must be between 0 and 255.
    • The <channel number> must be between 0 and 15.
    • The channel 0 control all channels.


    • SET: Set the dimmer level
    • OFF: Turn off the lights of the current channel
    • _FADE UP: Fade up the lights of the current channel
    • _FADE DOWN: Fade down the lights of the current channel
    • _STOP: Stop fading sequence
  • SCENE:
    • PRESS: Fire Rako scene