WeMo / Slow Cooker
This driver supports communication directly with the WeMo enabled Slow Cooker, allowing to control and receive feedback from the device.
Connection to the system is done via SOAP IP connection over WiFi directly with the WeMo device.
The WeMo driver checks connection and polls the device every 10 seconds for status updates.
The Driver will also check for a status update emediately following any control commands sent to the device for quick feedback updates
To establish communication the following is needed:
Host: The IP address of the WeMo device.
Port: The port number for the communication (default is port 49153)
Available resources are as following:
Off: Sets the Slow Cooker in Off mode, State indicates the Slow Cooker is Off
Low: Sets the Slow Cooker in Low Heat mode, State indicates the Slow Cooker is in Low Heat mode
Keep Warm: Sets the Slow Cooker in Keep Warm mode, State indicates Slow Cooker is in Keep Warm mode
High: Sets the Slow Cooker in High Heat mode, State indicates the Slow Cooker is in High Heat mode
State Updates:
Available State updates are as following:
Off: State indicates the Slow Cooker is Off
Low: State indicates the Slow Cooker is in Low Heat mode
Keep Warm: State indicates Slow Cooker is in Keep Warm mode
High: State indicates the Slow Cooker is in High Heat mode