Configure Siri Shortcuts for Your BeoLiving Intelligence

It is now possible to integrate your BeoLiving Intelligence’s (BLI) Macros & Scenes with Siri Shortcuts. This is done automatically through the Khimo cloud and is only available on a Pro BLI or BeoLink Gateway (BLGW).

Reminder: If you have an Essential BLI, you can integrate locally with Siri Shortcuts using the manual configuration.

Note: Take into account that running Siri Shortcuts requires an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 14.0 or higher, HomePod, Apple Watch Series 3 or later, or an iPad with iPadOS 14.0 or later.

Make sure that the BLI/BLGW has Khimo enabled, and go to the Shortcuts app (you should of course have the BeoLiving app installed). The Shortcuts Gallery should display shortcuts with recently used Scenes, of which you can see more under “Shortcuts from Your Apps”.

If you don’t see the Shortcut with the Scene you wish to add, don’t worry, you just have to add the Shortcut with any scene, press on “Do: Fire Scene” and press on the blue name of the Scene. This will open a drop-list with all the Scenes you have on your BeoLiving Intelligence.

See the video below for an example of setup & use:

You can now activate your scenes from anywhere in the world (Siri connects through the Khimo cloud) in any of the following manners:

  • By speaking to Siri: “Hey Siri, run //NAME OF SHORTCUT//”
  • By using Widget Shortcuts: You can add any Shortcut as a Widget and fire them with only a couple of taps!
  • Integrate them in your HomeKit automation sequence.

Note: If the Scenes do not appear immediately in the shortcuts app, you may need to close and re-open the BeoLiving app to ensure it sends the latest information to the Shortcuts app.

Reminder: Integration with Siri Shortcuts is done through the Khimo cloud, even if you are connected locally. Thus, you must have Khimo remote access enabled and working, for these to work. If you wish to integrate only locally, you can perform the more complex manual integration.

See how to configure a morning routine with Siri and the BeoLiving app!